Hello, I am Evan Mayes. I grew up in Winston-Salem NC. However, I was born in a small town in Tennessee called Cleveland. My family and I stayed in Tennessee until I was 5 and 2005 was the year that we moved to Winston-Salem.

During my grade school years, I enjoyed many hobbies but just a few consisted of playing football and basketball, playing the trombone in jazz band and my favorite hobby was running track where I ran for one of the best schools in the nation in that sport.

During my earlier grade school years, I got comfortable with holding a camera at ages as early as eight and nine. As I excelled in my talent with videography I helped my dad with his business, Mayes Video Productions LLC where I shot for many high-scale events. I also participated in a kids news network called Carolina Kidz News while I was in high school where I was a news reporter. I did this to get acclimated to being in front and behind the camera to make sure I was well-rounded and always ready for anything. It also helped me become more comfortable speaking in front of people and enhanced my communication skills.

As a kid, I always knew I had a talent for videography but that talent was not put to the test until I went to the illustrious North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. I learned a lot throughout the four years that I attended North Carolina A&T state university and I have noticed many things about myself. For example, when I first started school at A&T I was not very confident in my own abilities and did not believe in myself.

Throughout the course of changing my major and switching to Journalism and Mass Communication with a concentration in Mass Media Production, I have learned that if you have a dream and you deeply believe in that dream then go for it and don’t look back. During my last semester of undergrad, I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of the most prestigious organization in the history of the world, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. where I was blessed with the line name “High ReΣolution.” From there everything fell into place and I decided to start up my own freelance videography business. I started out filming grad visuals for friends. I then progressed to more major projects such as dance videos, birthday parties, and even weddings.I completed projects for the Eta chapter of my fraternity, Verge Modeling Troupe, and NCAT FSE. I have also collaborated with Watch The Yard. On April 8th, 2024, I was blessed to start a new position at CBS 17 News as a Promo Producer. My parents always told me that in this life that we live it always comes down to the choices and the decisions that we choose to make and I have learned that you will either sink or swim and the choice is yours to make. I chose to swim.

My Story